Friday, April 26, 2013

WEEK 6 - What mobile apps are available for your subject area?

List and describe at least 4 apps that could be used on a smartphone, iPod, or iPad in the classroom. There are mobile apps for education sections in each of the subject area chapters in the Roblyer and Doering book.

 After searching through our textbook by Roblyer and Doering, I was not able to find any suggestions for free mobile apps for Family and Consumer Sciences. I did find a couple in the area of Health.
I conducted a search on the internet and found this site: . This site offered some helpful apps for Nutrition and Consumerism. The information also included the Content Standards that correlate with this app.

One is Shop Savvy which allows me to scan the barcode finding the best price for an item either online or locally. This is a helpful tool to use with a FACS class studying budgeting.

 Loan Calculator Pro allows me to calculate the monthly payment for types of fixed loans such as home mortgage, car or credit card. Students can see just how their money is spent.

Restaurant Nutrition allows students to obtain Nutrition information on the menu items as well as track what they have eaten.

iFinance is an app that is available to track spending right when it occurs. This will be a convenient way to know exactly which category of expenditures needs to be adjusted when planning a budget.

There is also an app for Clothes Color Coordinator. This iphone app will allow students to shop for clothing more efficiently. They can check the color of an item to see if it will coordinate with items or accessories they may already have when wardrobe planning.

In addition, I found apps for Interior Design, Parenting, Etiquette and Social skills, Consumer tips to avoid scams, and available homes for sale. Each of these could be included as real life experiences to enhance student comprehension.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy,
    I enjoyed reading your post on mobile apps all four are interesting. I believe children who love clothes will find the clothes color coordinator app useful. On the other hand, I will find the clothes color coordinator app useful because I love fashions and accessorizing my attire.
