Monday, April 22, 2013

WEEK 5 - Digital Citizen

Week 5--Why is it important to be a good digital citizen? What value does a good digital reputation have?

As we were all told growing up, “watch your reputation”. This is true, others are watching yours too. It’s amazing how gossip can hurt someone, yet may not be true and spreads like wildfire! Something negative spreads fast and if you put something on the internet, it will spread too only faster. We have all been told “once it’s out there, it’s out there forever”.

Although the internet is (relatively) new, we have all heard about someone who was looking for a job or anything they were hoping to get or join. Anyone who wants to check you out can and it is so easy. Have you ever “googled” yourself? Have you checked your credit score? Everything about us is available to whoever wants to find it bad enough. I have purchases on my credit information that go back 40 years!
I am saying all of this to point out how important it is to think before you post, then think again, delete it is there is even a question. It can never be retrieved once it’s gone. There is digital information about everyone for a long, long time.

We are responsible for training students our about life as well as the content assigned to us. We must always set a good example and use good judgment. Being a good digital citizen is even more important. There are spoken and unspoken rules in our world and we are judged by the way we present ourselves.

Be very careful about “sharing”, posting, writing anything that may be considered distasteful or offensive to anyone. It can come back to hurt you, the penalty is not worth it. Follow the “If in doubt, don’t” rule.

 “Sing, as if no one is listening”…… your actions as if everyone is!

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