Week 4—Read p. 143-152 in Roblyer and Doering
book. Describe 3 kinds of material generators that you have used or would like
to use in your classroom. Be specific about how you would use the tools.
The technology information discussed in Chapter 15 in our
textbook gave me a new look in to what new advances in technology have been
developed. I have used a number of different software programs in the past and
was excited to find new links to try in my classroom.
I was not aware they were referred to as “material
generators” but that is exactly what they do for us. I have used a number of
them over the years. I have used Microsoft Word, a basic word processing
software to create my syllabus to give to students, create signs for my classroom,
create a chart for grading in the food and sewing labs, make presentable
documents for Business and Industry Certification review and bulletin board
labels. In addition I have created a brochure about my Programs’ Course
Offerings. These are used to publicize the courses and activities to entice students
to take my classes. Students are able to use this software for their classwork,
projects, to make signs and creative documents for a presentation. Even in high
school, students still like to “cut and paste”; now they can do it quickly,
delete something if they change their mind or add graphics to make it more
interesting or animated. I am looking forward to trying out the new Desktop
Publishing link from our textbook.
Another Materials Generator I have used is Exam View Test
generator. This software has saved me so much time. I especially like the way I
am able to easily re-order questions in situations where students are closely
seated. I can also create a simplified version as a study guide for my
students. Another benefit is that this software allows me to customize a test
for Special Needs students following the guidelines on their IEP’s. Having the
ability to save to a Test bank has allowed me to customize different questions
and the answer sheet prints out with it for easy grading
Certificate Maker: I have used a free online certificate
maker to print certificates for students’ FCCLA participation, community
involvement service, and FCCLA Officer certificates. I have also used it to
make appreciation certificates for Advisory Board members, teachers’ aides and
other “classroom helpers”.
I have used another rubric maker and am planning to try
these new “bookmarks” to generate some new materials to keep them updated and
visually stimulating.
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