Friday, May 3, 2013

WEEK 7- Other helpful blogs

I have found other blogs helpful in classroom organization, lesson ideas and tips. Heres the beginning of a list I plan to keep!

Week 7 - Top 10 Tools I cannot Live without

Week 7—After going through this course and learning about different technology tools, please write a post entitled the Top 10 Tech Tools I Can’t Live Without.

 1.     iPhone: I have finally gotten an iphone. I was hesitant at first but have found it to be so helpful in many instances. I have used it to send information to co-workers, check for a phone number, look up an address, use apps for discount coupons, text messaging, and check emails. I can also check in with students when necessary, take and send pictures of ideas to students and I am able to talk to my grand-children using facetime. I love being able to see their faces as we talk.

2.    Desktop computer and Laptop: I have used both of these almost every day. I have installed a “dropbox” so that I can retrieve work I may have started on one and pull it up to continue working from my laptop when away from home. I have spent many hours searching for classroom ideas on both computers and have stored many new ideas for my next years’ classes to work on this summer. I really enjoy the speed in which I can locate information on almost anything I am looking for.
3.    Blog: Now that I have my blog, I have looked for others. I have found a wealth of information and am able to share these ideas with other teachers and found the information shared by others to be very helpful.
4.    Twitter: With my new Twitter account, I am able to keep up with others in education and stay up on new ideas to use in the classroom. I use twitter to communicate with other teachers in my field as well as other technology teachers who share their tips.

5.    Wiki:  This is my first experience with a Wiki. After the first one I had several ideas of how I would use it in my classes. Students will enjoy using this tool as well. It is engaging, creative and motivating.
6.    Glogster: This technology tool was such a surprise to me. I have made 3 more and know that my students next year will enjoy a new updated way of presenting material to them.

7.    Prezi- I had not heard of this before and will definitely use it more. It was fun even for me to work through the information presented in a fun and engaging way.

8.    Youtube: I have found many sewing skill videos to use in my classroom through searches on Youtube. Having links to these for my students allows them to view the skill on their own time, replay it if needed r pause to work on the skill themselves. It is amazing how much is available for viewing and new videos are being submitted every day it seems. I have found many on the same topic and can choose the one that is most appropriate for the skill I am teaching.

9.    Tutorials: ClassicI have been seeing these made by others for several years and always found them to be easy to follow with detailed photos and text. For my sewing construction lessons, this can be sent to my students ahead of time for review and they will be exposed to the skill we are learning in class before they actually do it themselves.

10. PowerPoint: I would not really put this one last, it should be further up this list. I have developed a number of PowerPoints since I first learned to make them. I can make them short of long and have exactly the information need for my classroom. The images are large and clear. The text is simplified to get the point across in a condensed form easier for retention.

Friday, April 26, 2013

WEEK 6 - What mobile apps are available for your subject area?

List and describe at least 4 apps that could be used on a smartphone, iPod, or iPad in the classroom. There are mobile apps for education sections in each of the subject area chapters in the Roblyer and Doering book.

 After searching through our textbook by Roblyer and Doering, I was not able to find any suggestions for free mobile apps for Family and Consumer Sciences. I did find a couple in the area of Health.
I conducted a search on the internet and found this site: . This site offered some helpful apps for Nutrition and Consumerism. The information also included the Content Standards that correlate with this app.

One is Shop Savvy which allows me to scan the barcode finding the best price for an item either online or locally. This is a helpful tool to use with a FACS class studying budgeting.

 Loan Calculator Pro allows me to calculate the monthly payment for types of fixed loans such as home mortgage, car or credit card. Students can see just how their money is spent.

Restaurant Nutrition allows students to obtain Nutrition information on the menu items as well as track what they have eaten.

iFinance is an app that is available to track spending right when it occurs. This will be a convenient way to know exactly which category of expenditures needs to be adjusted when planning a budget.

There is also an app for Clothes Color Coordinator. This iphone app will allow students to shop for clothing more efficiently. They can check the color of an item to see if it will coordinate with items or accessories they may already have when wardrobe planning.

In addition, I found apps for Interior Design, Parenting, Etiquette and Social skills, Consumer tips to avoid scams, and available homes for sale. Each of these could be included as real life experiences to enhance student comprehension.

Monday, April 22, 2013

WEEK 5 - Digital Citizen

Week 5--Why is it important to be a good digital citizen? What value does a good digital reputation have?

As we were all told growing up, “watch your reputation”. This is true, others are watching yours too. It’s amazing how gossip can hurt someone, yet may not be true and spreads like wildfire! Something negative spreads fast and if you put something on the internet, it will spread too only faster. We have all been told “once it’s out there, it’s out there forever”.

Although the internet is (relatively) new, we have all heard about someone who was looking for a job or anything they were hoping to get or join. Anyone who wants to check you out can and it is so easy. Have you ever “googled” yourself? Have you checked your credit score? Everything about us is available to whoever wants to find it bad enough. I have purchases on my credit information that go back 40 years!
I am saying all of this to point out how important it is to think before you post, then think again, delete it is there is even a question. It can never be retrieved once it’s gone. There is digital information about everyone for a long, long time.

We are responsible for training students our about life as well as the content assigned to us. We must always set a good example and use good judgment. Being a good digital citizen is even more important. There are spoken and unspoken rules in our world and we are judged by the way we present ourselves.

Be very careful about “sharing”, posting, writing anything that may be considered distasteful or offensive to anyone. It can come back to hurt you, the penalty is not worth it. Follow the “If in doubt, don’t” rule.

 “Sing, as if no one is listening”…… your actions as if everyone is!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 5 - Beautiful weekend!

Wow what a beautiful weekend. Here in Anniston the Cheaha Challenge bike races are held this weekend. What a great time for Anniston, The Noble Festival in town for people to enjoy good food, racing for all ages, kids zone and tons of fun!

We kept our 6 month old grandson and had a great time "playing baby"!